
The Decarbonization Imperative: How the Entire Economy Can Meet the Climate Moment

Professor Mike Lenox and Senior Researcher Becky Duff at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business talk with the Batten Institute’s Sean Carr about their new book on what it will take to decarbonize the economy. Not just one sector. Every sector. And their insights have big implications for every business leader, investor and policymaker

The Future of Work Is Changing. Here’s How You Prepare for What’s Next.

The future of work is changing, whether you’re ready or not. But getting ready is no simple task. Who can you trust to teach the new skills you’ll need? How much should you pay? What’s more important: credentials or knowledge? University of Virginia Darden School of Business Dean Scott Beardsley shares his thoughts.

Struggling With Change? How Individuals (and Businesses) Can Learn Adaptability

New year, new you? Flipping the calendar has become a cliché for goals, resolutions, intentions and self-improvement. The Batten Institute’s Sean Carr speaks with Professor Ed Hess to share how we can all simply be better at changing.

What’s Next for the Fed Amid White House Transition, New COVID Restrictions?

It’s a pivotal moment for the U.S. and global economies, and the U.S. Federal Reserve holds a key position of influence. Professor Frank Warnock, a former Fed economist and current research adviser with the Fed, discusses the tools available and possible next steps for the Fed as the Biden administration steps in.

The Guide to Getting in the Room Where It Happens

Have you ever shown up to a meeting thinking you’ve got great ideas, piercing insights and the motivation to make a positive impact, only to discover the decisions you thought were still on the table have already been made? You’re left wondering if you were the only person who didn’t know. How did that happen?

Diagnosing Discrimination in Your Company’s Customer Service

Eliminating discrimination from customer service has been historically difficult, even for organizations with stellar service reputations. Is there a way for companies to better identify their breakdowns and eliminate discrimination from the fast food drive through to the hotel lobby?

Entrepreneurs’ Secrets to Surviving COVID-19 Business Disruption

No event in modern history has driven so much change, so fast, as the coronavirus pandemic. In a world beset by the challenges presented by COVID-19, can we look into the minds of entrepreneurs to discover how businesses and individuals might start to rebuild?

Black Lives Matter and Business: A Defining Moment?

In the wake of the killing of George Floyd and national protests for racial justice, businesses and leaders are working to embrace a defining moment for racial equality.

Seeking Trust and Meaning: Consumers and Brands During (and After) COVID-19

University of Virginia Darden School of Business Professor Lalin Anik joins the Batten Institute’s Sean Carr to explore the evolution of consumer behavior in response to COVID-19, how brands are reacting, and what the future may hold as people look to them for trust and meaning amidst the uncertainty.

Small Business and the Fight to Survive the COVID-19 Pandemic

Businesses large and small are in a fight for survival as the coronavirus pandemic brings economic activity to a near complete standstill. Professor Greg Fairchild provides insights on what small businesses can do to survive months of lost revenues amid mounting costs and what they can do now to thrive in whatever the "new normal" for commerce.