
Good Disruption: Cryptocurrency

The sheer number of crypto options available today suggests significant market disruption is underway. Yet where there is hype, there is also volatility. Is it merely the newness of crypto that is causing this volatility, or does the concern go deeper? What are the benefits and concerns of shifting the economy toward digital currencies?

Good Disruption: Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles are on track to become the dominant technology over the next 10–20 years. But do we truly understand all the implications of this shift? Are we ready for it?

How AI and Machine Learning Are Driving a Planning Revolution and Helping Business Manage Uncertainty

Professor Yael Grushka-Cockayne and the Batten Institute’s Sean Carr discuss how new tools in data science, AI, machine learning and harnessing the wisdom of the crowd have revolutionized how people and organizations plan.

The Secrets of CEO Performance and Integrity Hidden in Accounting Data

Professor Shane Dikolli has used analytical modeling and empirical analysis to evaluate CEOs for much of his career, and he and the Batten Institute’s Sean Carr discuss why the insights hidden in plain sight within accounting disclosures have important implications for business managers at every level.

Marketing Meets AI: How the Next Marketing Revolution Will Unfold and What Marketers Can Do to Prepare

Professor Raj Venkatesan discusses his book, The AI Marketing Canvas: A Five Stage Roadmap to Implementing Artificial Intelligence in Marketing, with the Batten Institute’s Sean Carr to examine where the industry is headed and how marketers can responsibly manage AI-powered marketing in the rapidly evolving media landscape.

What Theranos Can Teach Us About Ethical Challenges in Murky High Tech Waters

Professor Jared Harris worked with Theranos whistleblower Tyler Shultz to develop a series of cases that reveal how the advanced nature of the technology allowed the ruse to go on so long and the high cost Shultz paid for his part bringing down the house of cards.

How Barriers Faced by Female Entrepreneurs Impact Us All and Stifle the Global Economy

The glass ceiling exists around the world. In this podcast, Professor Gaurav Chiplunkar discusses his new research on the barriers faced by female entrepreneurs in developing countries, how their challenges harm the entire economy, and what business leaders and policymakers can do about it.

The Decarbonization Imperative: How the Entire Economy Can Meet the Climate Moment

Professor Mike Lenox and Senior Researcher Becky Duff at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business talk with the Batten Institute’s Sean Carr about their new book on what it will take to decarbonize the economy. Not just one sector. Every sector. And their insights have big implications for every business leader, investor and policymaker

The Future of Work Is Changing. Here’s How You Prepare for What’s Next.

The future of work is changing, whether you’re ready or not. But getting ready is no simple task. Who can you trust to teach the new skills you’ll need? How much should you pay? What’s more important: credentials or knowledge? University of Virginia Darden School of Business Dean Scott Beardsley shares his thoughts.

Struggling With Change? How Individuals (and Businesses) Can Learn Adaptability

New year, new you? Flipping the calendar has become a cliché for goals, resolutions, intentions and self-improvement. The Batten Institute’s Sean Carr speaks with Professor Ed Hess to share how we can all simply be better at changing.