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How to Act on Your Ethics

We’ve all faced situations in which — faced with long odds, tight deadlines, a challenging environment or limited resources — we’ve marshalled our problem-solving skills and figured out how to do what needs to be done.

The Bottom Line on the Extended Enterprise: How Collaboration Can Lead to Real Financial Rewards

For well over a decade, Darden Professors Robert E. Spekman and Edward W. Davis have been interested in the extended enterprise, a collaborative approach to supply chain management in which key members view one another as partners rather than adversaries.

Pivoting in a Pandemic: From Diapers to Mask Production in China

With the world on the brink of pandemic, a business was asked to make masks. How should it balance an ethical imperative against the risks of entering a new market? And what direction should it take when the crisis receded? Public-private partnerships can combine the strengths of diverse entities, driving rich, broadly beneficial results.

Equitable Health Care in Mesoamerica

Areas in Mesoamerica see health equity gaps in newborn, infant and maternal health. The Inter-American Development Bank partnered wit ha number of partners to create the Salud Mesoamerica Initiative an innovative way to improve access to quality health care for 1.8 million women and children living among the poorest 20 percent of the population.

Companies Innovate More When Their Boards Include Women

Corporate innovation is crucial for value creation. What does that have to do with gender diversity? A new global study shows the real influence and impact of gender diversity on boards; when it comes to greater balance, so come greater innovation outcomes. And the effects may be evident sooner than you think.


Leverage the potential of artificial intelligence, the value of first-party data and the power of stickers: Darden Professor Raj Venkatesan discusses the importance of personalization and data-driven marketing — and offers his blueprint to navigating the marketing revolution.

More Than Flipping a Switch - The US in the World Under a Biden Administration

Professors Peter Debaere and Dennis Yang share what they believe it will take for the United States to reclaim a central position in the world under the Biden administration.

Does Anyone Win in a US-China Trade War?

Darden Professor Dennis Yang and Chinese economist Dr. Ha Jiming examine the factors that could influence trade talks between China and the U.S. ahead of a critical deadline for a deal, and predict possible fallout for the global economy if a trade war escalates.

Time to Stress Test Supply Chains?

The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has hit global trade and investment with devastating force and speed. Why did the world fail to learn the lessons of SARS, H1N1 or other major disruptions? What’s behind the fragility in supply chains that can derail global trade and transactions when the unexpected strikes? How can we guard against future shocks?