Insights From

Carolyn Miles

The Crisis in Child Care: A Tri-Sector Solution?

We are in the midst of a crisis in child care. That’s not just for the parents or children directly and presently affected; if we don’t invest in quality care now, society will literally pay for it later. The matter touches issues of health, income, crime, IQ, costs to families and the public, and an individual’s ability to maintain employment.

What’s the State of Women in Leadership?

The state of women at work has been at the forefront of discussions about unexpected consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. But data sets and stories during the pandemic often highlighted trends seemingly in opposition: women’s leadership roles were growing, women in the workforce were declining. Darden experts weigh in.

The Stakeholder Podcast: Save the Children and the Evolution of Business

In The Stakeholder Podcast, Professor Ed Freeman interviews Carolyn Miles, former CEO of Save the Children, on how the pandemic changed work and how organizations can overcome institutional inertia and leverage the lessons of the pandemic to be stronger, create more loyalty, be more sustainable and enhance the future of the entire enterprise.

Equitable Health Care in Mesoamerica

Areas in Mesoamerica see health equity gaps in newborn, infant and maternal health. The Inter-American Development Bank partnered wit ha number of partners to create the Salud Mesoamerica Initiative an innovative way to improve access to quality health care for 1.8 million women and children living among the poorest 20 percent of the population.