Insights From

Institute for Business in Society

The Importance of the Decennial Census to Research

Mandated by the Constitution, the U.S. Census Bureau counts the nation’s residents every 10 years. The data determine seats in the House and federal funds for local communities, as well as inform practical research. Examples from Darden: studies on poverty and race, allocation of opportunity zones, and the effect of technology on rich and poor.

Minority-Owned Banks: Past and Present

From the Civil War and Reconstruction to Martin Luther King Jr. and Richard Nixon to Jay-Z and Killer Mike: Darden experts discuss the history of minority depository institutions, the integral service they provide diverse communities and the challenges that still exist.

Healthy Profit: Reflections on the UVA Hospital Billing Controversy

The U.S. is in the midst of a health care crisis. How patients and communities are cared for is inexorably tied to dollars and cents, and medical and business ethics are both necessary to address the crisis. How can health providers connect the two? Stakeholder theory.

How a Stakeholder Approach to Community Improvement Is an Award-Winning Endeavor

Call it a win-win-win: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation honored Kroger for its Zero Hunger | Zero Waste initiative, which works to end hunger in its local communities and food waste in its entire company — victories for multiple stakeholders and the environment. Here’s how the initiative’s doing just that.

How to Avoid or Recover from Identity Theft: Resilience Education

Darden experts provide a practical, step-by-step guide to dealing with identity theft, a phenomenon prevalent with the at-risk population of people who are incarcerated. Greg and Tierney Fairchild wrote a case on the matter for the Resilience Education program they founded to educate prisoners.

First: Do No Harm. Second: Strategize for Stakeholders After You Do.

Stakeholders don’t just respond to companies’ harmful practices — they respond to perceived harm. Darden Professor Andy Wicks examines how companies should respond to stakeholders’ responses. For example: Assembly Bill 5. Are Uber drivers employees or contractors? Stakeholders and the company disagree.

Areas of Opportunity in Opportunity Zones

Opportunity zones offer investors the chance to reduce capital gains taxes by investing in areas high in poverty. But the legislation came with a small window of opportunity, and critics see a lack of visible development thus far. What’s the greatest chance of success for residents and investors? How can the challenges be overcome?

The Critical Role of Ethical Considerations: 5 Insights From Darden Faculty

These insights from Darden Ideas to Action articles unveil the value of ethical considerations from a variety of standpoints and in a variety of sectors. They contain lessons for business leaders, employees and consumers.

A Stakeholder Approach to Fighting Malaria in Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guinea struggled with malaria for years. The Bioko Island Malaria Elimination Project, a public-private partnership with a stakeholder perspective, has tackled the problem, leading to medical innovation, improved health of inhabitants and increased infrastructure and productivity.

Rising Rice Consumption in Nigeria: Farming and the Value of a Value Chain

Though agriculture is important to Nigerian economic activity and rice is a major food staple in Nigerian households, the domestic supply does not meet demand. The Value Chain Development Program public-private partnership is designed to improve the livelihoods of economically disadvantaged farmers.