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The social unrest of 2020 brought new attention to long-simmering issues of diversity, equity and inclusion in the U.S. and around the globe, and prompted many to seek to learn more about longstanding societal inequities — and potential paths forward.
Through a recently launched, free online course on the Coursera platform “Foundations of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Work” six UVA Darden faculty members offer insights on creating effective change in organizations. Here, professors deliver their thoughts and share additional thought leadership.
We focus a lot on the belonging components of inclusion and a bit less so on the equity and justice aspects of inclusion. You can belong to a system and be positioned at the lowest rung in that system. Advancing diversity and equity efforts requires us to think about the ways in which we position people in organizations and the opportunities that they have to be valued for their contribution and to shape the strategy, the core values and the culture of the organization itself.
After many C-suite social media posts and internal communications pledging solidarity with Black workers and commitment to anti-racist initiatives, the question on everyone’s mind is: “What now?” Darden Professor Laura Morgan Roberts highlights “three zones of action” to promote true racial equity and inclusion.
According to Morgan Roberts, responsible leaders must engage the head, heart and hands.
Read more in “What Now in Race Work? 3 Zones of Action.”
The social signals that we've put a lot of importance on … are such an incredibly important thing to understand. Try to change some of those rituals and understand the power dynamics that are there and create spaces where people can have upward voice and channels to leadership.
People who are able to move between socioeconomic classes through their lifetimes bring unique skills to the workplace. According to Professor Sean Martin, people who move into different social classes throughout their life acquire tools that help them adapt in those environments and become more adept at relating to different groups of people. In the workplace, social class transitioners can rely on their unique experiences to build a bridge between two different groups, or “blend,” sharing their experiences to help promote a more inclusive and culturally sensitive workplace.
Read more in “What Social Class Transitioners Bring to the Workplace.”
When we think about what it takes to be successful in an organization as a person of color, critical mass is key. We have to see a greater amount of recruitment of individuals who are different so that they can actually create an environment that doesn't just develop a pipeline, but creates a safety passage to succeed.
How does a company build and perpetuate diverse hiring practices? Professor Toni Irving unpacks three key ingredients, including widening the prospective talent pool, removing implicit bias from the process and addressing potential structural issues within the organization. Irving explains why traditional defenses regarding status quo hiring, especially a supposed lack of qualified candidates, can no longer be considered valid for organizations serious about diversifying their ranks.
Read more in “3 Essentials to a More Inclusive Hiring Process.”
Difficult conversations’ is one of those evergreen topics that people in business are often interested in. My own fascination has been with what I call leading mindfully, and that is adopting the practices of mindfulness writ large as a way of managing our inner experience, because that's really what is coming up for us with difficult conversations.
While mindfulness is often equated with solitary actions, the practice can have important impact on effective communication. Darden Professor Lili Powell explains how to practice mindfulness in low-stakes interactions, before moving on to higher-stakes conversations, through practicing the ABC steps of Arrive, Breathe and Connect. Powell says those who learn how to remain curious, grounded and act with generosity will come off as self-possessed and encourage a similar reaction with a conversation partner, potentially paving the way for constructive communication.
Read more in “The ABCs of Mindful Interaction.”
There are systemic biases, individual biases and institutional biases that get in the way of an organization operating at its peak. Organizations that are operating in ways that create the maximum value have to get rid of inequity, have to get rid of the things that shackle or keep it from being the kind of organization that provides true value.
One path to eliminating impediments to value creation: Designing for real diversity and inclusion. Eliminating barriers takes a committed, holistic approach, and must take into account the interpretation of those efforts from everyone within an organization. Darden Professor and Chief Global Diversity Officer Martin Davidson discusses a key approach to success: Build a learning culture that encourages all employees to adopt a learning orientation toward race.
Read more in “How to Design for Real Race-Intelligent Inclusion.”
I want to draw our conversation to the reality of what I call the illusion of inclusion, the way that it appears we're very inclusive, but perhaps we might not be.
Recent unrest across the United States has opened the eyes of many to the differing realities experienced by Americans. Darden Professor Greg Fairchild notes what he calls the “illusion of inclusion,” in which large swaths of the population — notably white people — tend to believe their worlds are more integrated than reality would suggest. In fact, in schools, work and neighborhoods, the U.S. remains stubbornly segregated. Without intentional efforts, we cannot expect circumstances to change, and we should anticipate future social unrest.
Read more in “Segregation in 2020: Why Aren’t We Moving Forward.”
Davidson is an expert on global leadership with an emphasis on how to manage diversity to generate superior performance — an approach he pioneered called Leveraging Difference. He wrote the book on diversity in business, The End of Diversity as We Know It: Why Diversity Efforts Fail and How Leveraging Difference Can Succeed. He’s experienced in helping senior leaders develop the skills they need to thrive in global environments.
Davidson consults with a host of Fortune 500 firms, government agencies and social profit organizations. He has served as chief diversity officer for the Darden School, and as the national chair of the Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division of the Academy of Management. Davidson writes a blog called “In My Opinion,” found at www.leveragingdifference.com.
A.B., Harvard College; Ph.D., Stanford University
Fairchild is an expert in business strategy, business ethics, leadership and entrepreneurship. He specializes in underserved, overlooked markets and has taught financial literacy to victims of domestic violence, and has launched a program to teach entrepreneurship and business skills to inmates re-entering society.
Fairchild was named one of the 10 Best Business School Professors in the World by CNNMoney/Fortune in 2012 and one of the 50 Best Business School Professors by Poets & Quants. He was the lead investigator in a study of business models and public policy issues in the field of community development finance, an initiative supported by a $850,000 grant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
B.S., Virginia Commonwealth University; MBA, University of Virginia Darden School of Business; M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia University
Professor Fairchild teaches in the Executive Education program The Women’s Leadership Program.
Irving has decades of experience across multiple interconnected disciplines, including finance, health care, academia, consulting, government, philanthropy and nonprofit management. At Darden, she teaches, writes and consults on topics ranging from leadership, organizational behavior, nonprofit management, cross-sector partnerships, social impact, corporate responsibility and business ethics.
Prior to joining Darden, Irving launched and led the social impact fund Get In Chicago, which worked with corporations, government, health systems and private philanthropy. The public-private partnership developed data-driven solutions to some of Chicago’s most difficult social and economic problems by investing in, evaluating, and building capacity in nonprofit organizations supporting public systems. Additionally, she was a member of the faculty at the University of Notre Dame, where she conducted research and teaching at the intersection of law, literature and social policy.
The Chicago Council on Global Affairs recently named Irving a nonresident senior fellow, global cities.
B.A., University of Virginia; M.A., University of Kent; Ph.D., New York University
An expert in leadership, social class and ethics, Martin’s research addresses how organizational and societal contexts impart values and beliefs onto leaders and followers, and how those values influence their behaviors and experiences. His work has been featured in top academic journals, including Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Business Ethics and Organizational Psychology Review, as well as mainstream media outlets including The New York Times, The Washington Post, Forbes, Fast Company, Inc., Harvard Business Review and Comedy Central.
Prior to joining the Darden faculty, Martin taught at Boston College’s Carroll School of Management and Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management.
B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara; MBA, California Polytechnic State University; Ph.D., Cornell University Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management
Powell’s current academic interests are mindful communication and leadership presence. She also has expertise in leadership and management communication, corporate reputation and diversity. In addition to her roles as professor at the UVA Darden School of Business and UVA School of Nursing, she also serves as director at the University's Compassionate Care Initiative.
Powell has authored numerous cases and is co-author of Women in Business: The Changing Face of Leadership. She is currently working on a new book — Present: Leadership as Wise Practice. She has presented her work at the Academy of Management, the Association for Business Communication, the Management Communication Association, the National Communication Association, and the Reputation Institute’s Conference on Reputation, Image, Identity, and Competitiveness conferences.
Powell has been a consultant, facilitator, instructor and coach to a number of individuals and organizations. Her clients have included the Council for Public Relations Firms, Federal Bureau of Investigation, KPMG, Lagos (Nigeria) Public Schools, National Industries for the Blind, Premier, Providian Corporation, United Technologies, University of Virginia School of Medicine and World Bank. She has taught internationally and worked with Executive MBA students from IAE Business School (Argentina), IBMEC Sao Paulo (Brazil) and the Stockholm School of Economics (Sweden).
B.A., M.A., University of Virginia; Ph.D., Northwestern University
An expert in diversity, authenticity and leadership development, Roberts’ research and consulting focuses on the science of maximizing human potential in diverse organizations and communities. The author of more than 50 research articles, teaching cases and practitioner-oriented content aimed at strategically activating one’s best self through strength-based development, her work has also been featured in global media outlets. She has also edited three books: Race, Work and Leadership; Positive Organizing in a Global Society; and Exploring Positive Identities and Organizations.
Prior to joining Darden, Roberts served on the faculties of Harvard Business School, Georgetown University McDonough School of Business and Antioch University’s Graduate School of Leadership and Change.
B.A., University of Virginia; M.A., Ph.D., University of Michigan
Diversity Equity and Inclusion: Foundations and the Future