Darden Dean Scott C. Beardsley interviews alumna Carolyn Miles (MBA ’88), president and CEO of Save the Children. They discuss the protracted crisis in Syria, the successful partnership that facilitated the training of 34,000 community health workers in Ethiopia and why inspiring people is key to effective leadership.
Leaders communicate their expectations and priorities not only through words, but through their presence and actions. In short, a leader’s credibility and reputation can depend a great deal on how — and how much — he or she embodies the message.
The demands of today can seem more pressing than the plans for tomorrow. The size and shape of the forest can be lost behind the trees directly ahead. But for employers looking to increase engagement, it is important to think about the future.
How do people respond to social identity threats — circumstances under which people think they may be devalued simply because of their social identity (ethnicity, gender, religion or sexual orientation) or membership in a particular group?
Darden Dean Scott C. Beardsley interviews Peter Brabeck, chair of Nestlé.
Sad about being single this Valentine’s Day? Try playing matchmaker for someone else — research shows it’ll lift your spirits.
Embrace uncertainty — it’s the only surety in life, we’re often told. New research suggests these words may be easier said than done, particularly when it comes to financial uncertainty.
An ambicultural mindset applied to business, or to any enterprise, embraces the possibility for long-term relationships among multiple parties, from managers and policymakers to industries and customers, from organizations to societies and nations.