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Businesses, nonprofits and government institutions all bring unique strengths and skills to issues impacting society. When they come together in the form of public-private partnerships (P3s), the result is often a solution more powerful than any could achieve on their own.
Call it a win-win-win: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation honored Kroger for its Zero Hunger | Zero Waste initiative, which works to end hunger in its local communities and food waste in its entire company — victories for multiple stakeholders and the environment. Here’s how the initiative’s doing just that.
Equatorial Guinea struggled with malaria for years. The Bioko Island Malaria Elimination Project, a public-private partnership with a stakeholder perspective, has tackled the problem, leading to medical innovation, improved health of inhabitants and increased infrastructure and productivity.
Diverse companies produce higher financial returns, yet the pay gap persists. Research from Professor Morela Hernandez examines the fact that racially biased hiring managers offer lower salaries to black candidates who negotiate. So what can organizations do to mitigate the impact of racial biases?
From billion-dollar business deals to split-second survival choices, we make countless decisions daily. But which mental system should we trust: our lightning-fast instincts or our methodical logic? UVA Darden's Saša Zorc discusses how understanding both can lead to better choices in business and life.
Customer lifetime value, or CLV, refers to the single lump-sum value a firm can presently apply to future cash flows derived from a customer relationship and is a critical metric in an age of ubiquitous subscription services.
2019 is projected to be a landmark year for initial public offerings of stock, even with the current turbulence in the market. Professor Susan Chaplinsky talks about how these IPOs could affect the stock market, which closed 2018 with a dramatic downturn.
Since 2000, the U.S. has experienced a decline in the number of publicly traded companies, a trend that comes with significant economic risks and implications. Proponents of deregulation cite increased disclosure and regulatory burdens placed on public companies as the cause. Is that indeed the case? Award-winning research examines the issue.
A territory is a salesperson’s battleground; it’s the turf that he or she defends. As one of the first decisions that many sales executives make, territory assignment can be quite a complex process, serving several goals — and stakeholders — at once.