An expert in executive compensation, managerial performance evaluation and corporate performance measurement, Dikolli’s research focuses on the performance evaluation of CEOs. His work has been featured in both practitioner-oriented and peer-reviewed academic publications, and he is a member of the editorial boards of numerous academic journals. Additionally, he has served as the president of the American Accounting Association’s Management Accounting Section.

Prior to joining Darden, Dikolli was a member of the Accounting faculty at the Duke University Fuqua School of Business, where he also served as associate dean of faculty engagement. The recipient of a number of teaching awards, he was recognized by Bloomberg Businessweek for being among the Top 5 Most Popular Business Professors across all disciplines in the Top 30 U.S. business schools.

B.Bus., P.Grad Dip.Bus., Curtin University of Technology; Ph.D., University of Waterloo