Since the pandemic hit, there is more of an imperative than ever to build real organizational and personal resilience. The tools that prove most useful in doing so include purpose, engagement and leadership behaviors — like modeling interpersonal human relatedness and personal growth after adversity.
Professor Marc Santugini, the Blue Ridge Distinguished Teaching Fellow at UVA’s Department of Economics, shares his insights on teaching in the metaverse, in conversation with Darden Professor Anton Korinek.
We are in the midst of a crisis in child care. That’s not just for the parents or children directly and presently affected; if we don’t invest in quality care now, society will literally pay for it later. The matter touches issues of health, income, crime, IQ, costs to families and the public, and an individual’s ability to maintain employment.
The WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic two years ago. In one of the largest health psychologies studies ever, a Darden professor researched factors related to adherence to public health measures, including: national identity — different from nationalism — political affiliation, and consistent messaging from leaders across the political spectrum.
Leading in the face of crisis and uncertainty is a different practice from daily management and decision-making. But good managers can learn to anticipate and manage through such high-stress experiences and embed lessons learned in the enterprise. A Darden expert shares best practices — do’s as well as don’ts — for successful crisis management.
Darden experts say thoughts on the new normal and the future of work.
The pandemic, social unrest, and political and economic conditions are leading to serious career re-evaluation as well as mental health challenges. Coaches and counselors help people increase self-awareness, grow skills, and eliminate barriers to success. When one is more useful and appropriate? How does one determine the best fit?
Millions are quitting in the “Great Resignation.” And the pandemic, major social unrest, and frightening political and economic conditions are leading to serious re-evaluation and mental health challenges. Coaches and counselors help people increase self-awareness, grow skills, and eliminate barriers to success. What might be a good fit for you?
Despite interest in responsible capitalism, promises on stakeholder value are being tested as COVID-19 scars economies across the globe. Professor Parmar sees a mixture of tensions — including matters of health and safety, stresses of pandemic life, issues of justice and equality — as the acid test for companies’ commitment to the stakeholder model
Professor Doug Thomas discusses supply chain and argues that executives’ focus must shift to balance the historical commitment to efficiency with a renewed commitment to resiliency.