A territory is a salesperson’s battleground; it’s the turf that he or she defends.
As one of the first decisions that many sales executives make, territory assignment can be quite a complex process, serving several goals — and stakeholders — at once.
Leaders often draw up territories to minimize the time and travel expense of serving customers in a particular geography. At the same time, they try to balance the potential sales in each territory so they can easily compare sales efforts and results across regions.
For instance, say you manage a salesforce in the medical devices market. You might assign a sales rep to a city such as Philadelphia, Baltimore or Boston, where there are high concentrations of hospitals, medical schools and clinics. But another rep might travel among four or five states in the western part of the United States to achieve the same potential.
Without that balance, you may be assigning salespeople too much or too little work to do, leading to the underservicing or overservicing of your customers.
Underservicing customers is harmful because sales are lost due to a lack of activity at all levels — fewer leads are sought out and fewer prospects identified. Spending less time with current customers will also reduce potential sales and could ultimately cause customers to find another company with which to do business. This all can be caused by a salesperson being stretched too thin.
Overservicing, less obviously a problem, can result in lower sales both directly and indirectly. A direct result would be a salesperson who is continually calling a customer until they become alienated. An indirect result is the loss from sales that could be made in an underserved territory.
Unbalanced territories can raise the problem of unfair sales potential between members of the sales force. This will result in distorted compensation potential and can cause a talented salesperson to leave for a company with better balance and compensation.
Achieving the correct balance between territories results in a happier customer, salesperson and company. It is, however, primarily a matter of management judgment. The main considerations are trying to:
Before designing new territories, you should evaluate the current situation. Here’s one way to calculate the workload for a given territory:
Workload = [Current Accounts x Average Time to Service an Active Account] + [Prospects x Time Spent Trying to Convert a Prospect Into an Active Account]
To calculate the potential of a territory, you need to collect some key facts about the area. The most basic is population, meaning the number of potential accounts in a territory. In the case of copier sales, this could represent the number of offices in a territory.
A dominant competitor might “own” a region or segment of the market, decreasing the sales potential. You’ll need to reduce the potential by the expected value of winning that portion of the market. If the market’s absolute size if $50 million and a key competitor has an 80 percent share of a segment worth $5 million, the likelihood of winning share from that competitor is quite low, and the size of your served market becomes the $50 million less the $4 million that is unavailable to your firm.
Also consider the time it takes to travel in the territory. Travel time is a better metric than size because it is a representation of what size implies — the time needed to reach each customer. Depending on the quality of roads, density of traffic or grouping of businesses, territories of the same area could have very different travel-time requirements. A salesperson can keep track of the necessary time to travel from call to call, which can either be recorded over time to find an average travel time in a territory, or calculated using specialized computer software.
Salespeople tend to be very protective of their sales territories and do not welcome change. They have spent a great deal of effort establishing relationships with buyers and expect a long and fruitful association with them. At the same time, learning the habits, requirements and buying criteria of new clients also takes time, and this energy takes away from what they get compensated for. Despite the impact of the sale force, the primary consideration should be the effect any territory changes have on the customer base.
Minimizing the disruption to the customers should be a priority with any change. The other major stakeholder group that is likely object to realignment would be the salespeople themselves.
Potential Alignment Block | Favorite Quotation |
President’s Cup Paula | “How am I going to win the salesperson of the year award after you steal my accounts?” |
Mel the Mellow Manager | “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” |
Peter the Pessimist | “We can’t realign — our account data are no good. Besides, there’s no way to measure potential for our accounts.” |
High-Commission Holly | “You’re not touching any account I earn a 20 percent commission on.” |
Chatty Charlie | “This is a relationship sell. We can’t change accounts around.” |
Considering the effect on both the customers and the sales force is important when making a beneficial change for the company.
Balanced territory assignment is one metric that can lead to an efficient and motivated sales force, which can in turn lead to positive results throughout the organization.
This post is adapted from the technical note Sales Force Management and Measurement (Darden Business Publishing) by Eric Larson (MBA ’05), Neil Bendle (MBA ’04) and Darden Professors Paul W. Farris and Robert E. Spekman.
Farris is a top specialist in promotion and distribution. He is also well-versed in consumer advertising and branding strategy. His current research is focused on building coherent systems for integrating financial and marketing metrics.
In 2006, he wrote Marketing Metrics: 50+ Metrics Every Executive Should Master, which was selected by Strategy + Business as the 2006 Marketing Book of the Year. He co-authored the book Marketing Metrics: The Definitive Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance with Darden Professor Phillip Pfeifer and others in 2010. In 2013, he wrote “Retail Free-Riding: The Case of the Wallpaper Industry,” with M. Doane, S. Kucuk and R. Maddux in the Antitrust Bulletin. With Darden Professors Raj Venkatesan and Ron Wilcox, he is co-author of the forthcoming book Cutting-Edge Marketing Analytics: Real-World Cases and Datasets for Hands-on Learning.
Farris is on the board of directors of Sto Corp. and previously served on boards for the GSI Group, Ohio Art Company and other companies.
B.S., University of Missouri; MBA, University of Washington; DBA, Harvard University
Robert Spekman is the Tayloe Murphy Professor Emeritus at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. He is a recognized authority on business-to-business marketing strategy, channels of distribution design and the implementation of go-to-market strategies. Spekman is also well-known for his research and corporate consultancy work in strategic alliances, partnerships and supply chain management. In 2004, he was named a Fellow to the Institute for the Study of Business Markets at the Pennsylvania State University Smeal College of Business.
Spekman has worked with many of the Fortune 100 businesses, as well as with a number of non-U.S. based global firms. The author of more than 100 articles and papers, he has also written/edited eight books and monographs. His Alliance Competence book was published by John Wiley in 2000 and his most recent book, The Extended Enterprise, was published by Prentice Hall/Financial Times in 2003.
B.S., University of Massachusetts, Amherst; MBA, Syracuse University; Ph.D., Northwestern University