Insights From

Yael Grushka-Cockayne

Data, Data Everywhere: How Top Companies Find New Opportunities to Innovate

There are many ways to think about the recent explosion of digital technologies and data. Not surprisingly, the ubiquity of personal information that can be easily and cheaply collected from online and offline transactions, social media and sensors embedded in a growing array of physical objects such as TVs and smartphones, can trigger suspicion, a

Three Things: Better Project Management

In this Three Things video, Darden Professor Yael Grushka-Cockayne explains the questions a manager can answer to prioritize and execute projects more effectively.

BizBasics: ‘Wisdom of Crowds’

Darden Professor Yael Grushka-Cockayne discusses the wisdom of crowds and explains how a collection of opinions can forecast the future.

Too Many Expert Opinions in the Bunch? Trim Them Down

To improve the value gained from collectives of professional opinions, look to sizable crowds, use your best judgment about which experts to choose based on historical data and request diversity in the range of forecasts you will consider.